Judy Ross' Gallery
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From an early age, Judy has always felt the desire to create in various mediums of expression. Following a lengthy career as an executive secretary, she has returned to her artistic roots. Although primarily self-taught, she has also received fine art instruction from local accomplished artists in watercolour, oil and primarily acrylic. She enjoys taking part in painting workshops, most notably with American collage artist, Carrie Burns Brown, as well as from talented Canadian acrylic artists/authors, Peter John Reid, Rheni Tauchid and Steve Tracy.
Judy enjoys vivid colour and the love of experimentation, painting a variety of subject matter on varied substrates, as well as incorporating texture into her work through the use of mediums. She enjoys creating landscapes, cityscapes, collage and abstract paintings. Over 30 years’ experience as a photographer has been of great value to her with painting, in particular regarding composition and the “art of seeing”.
Judy is a member of the St. Thomas Art Guild, Port Stanley Artists’ Guild, St. Thomas Photographic Guild and the Lambeth Art Association.