Glenda Fenlon's Gallery
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Glenda CR Fenlon Created Life Images
Glenda Fenlon has sketched and painted in both watercolour and acrylics. Past courses have been in Sketching and Perspective with Michael Beacom, Watercolour through Museum London with Peter Lam, and Acrylics with Shirley Thompson through Guthrie's and Cheryl O. On line courses and many instructors are in the future. There is so much to learn and conquer.
She has enjoyed art in many forms all her life. Living and growing in rural Ontario, she qualified and has taught ceramics, sewing, crafts and (quilting for her own pleasure) from her home studio. Knitting and crochet projects were learned at an early age from her grandmother to be useful. Sketching was for fun to show the wonderful life she lived in, with community, animals and nature.
For many youthful years she qualified from each program and some with honors from the local 4-H Home Economic and Dairy clubs. This gave her an opportunity to help organize the input of the computer system for the home farm through the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture for Middlesex where the family farm was. This start in life gave her an appreciation for business, management and organizing events that served her well for her husbands business, her own business and of course family. Art in many forms has been part of her life through out.
She encourages her children, grandchildren and others she has instructed through her own business or the many hours of volunteering and programs in schools and libraries to express their life or feelings with art and creating as well. A life well lived.
She doesn't have a specialty. Expressing a feeling or time as accurately as she can execute it, is her goal. Having always sketched from photos and some rare spontaneous moments as well as her daughter's love of colours, she took the leap to painting. She always knew that the photos she took didn't give her the "one" kodak moment she wanted so with several photos, she puts together an idea or image on paper. This is her Life Created Moments into Images on paper or canvas.
Her family, friends and faithful dog give her memories, fresh ideas and encouragement and time disappears in front of her easel.
Glenda Fenlon is a member of art groups at Strathroy Caradoc, Lambeth, St. Thomas and Port Stanley. Art is about the expression and learning so there is still so much room to learn and grow. She is also on their websites and instagram pages.
She has shown her paintings at Muggs and Strathroy Museum, featured several times in Strathroy Villager Magazine, The Resource Centre in St. Thomas, The Port Stanley Theater Gallery, The Art Shows in St. Thomas, Lambeth and Strathroy.
In future, as well as future art shows, she would like to have an open house of her work.
Contact Glenda at