Ann Marie Patrick's Gallery
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Ann Marie Patrick is a textile artist. Her journey in textile art began shortly after discovering traditional quilting. While Ann Marie admired and respected the skill of the talented quilters whose courses she took, she very shortly wanted to break free and chart her own course and express herself in non traditional ways. Ann Marie now employs any technique or materials that a piece requires in order to convey to her audience the message the piece intends. Ann Marie wants the viewer to feel her message through her use of colour and texture, line and shape and form. Many of her works are inspired by nature and the natural world that surrounds her. She wants her audience to feel the joy and peace she feels when she sees a beautiful sunset or a golden autumn leaf. To further personalize her work she have moved from commercially produced textiles to dyeing and printing many of the textiles she uses. While Ann Marie’s style has been described as experimentally eclectic, she does work in series which allows her to explore a topic or technique in depth and employ many different approaches that are applicable to the topic.